Deep Dive 1 John 1:2-6 From Pastor Jess
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Inglewood ChurchHere are some of Pastor Jess’s thoughts from Sunday expanded.
If a believer should at any time sin, and that is expected, we are all sinners and sin is real, we have a spokesperson, a defender, one who speaks to God in defence of them: Jesus Christ. He is actually the perfect spokesperson, because he was also human like us, and therefore can understand our weaknesses and sympathise with us (Hebrews 2:17-18, 4:15). He is also perfect because He is the righteous one. Because Jesus is righteous, He can therefore stand before God, the righteous judge. Christ stands before God always, interceding for those who put their trust in Him (Romans 8:34, Hebrews 7:25). This is very good news. Jesus was the atonement for our sins – Christ says that we are guilty, and then says put their punishment on me instead of them. Interestingly the word used here, paraclete, is the same word used to describe the Holy Spirit when Jesus leaves us the Holy Spirit. He says ANOTHER advocate, another paraclete.
1 John 2:3-6
Knowing God means avoiding sin by keeping his commands.
To obey Christ is the same thing as to walk in the light (1 John 1:7). When we are in the light, then we will see Jesus and know Him. But if we do not obey Him, we walk in darkness and cannot know Him. Some people say “I believe in Jesus” but do not obey Him. These people are liars and they remain in their sins. They do not confess their sins and therefore do not receive forgiveness.
What commands?
23 And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as he commanded us. 24 Those who obey God’s commandments remain in fellowship with him, and he with them. And we know he lives in us because the Spirit he gave us lives in us.
God’s commands and Christ’s commands are one, all summed up very nicely for us in these verses.
The commands spoken about here are “not a particular set of instructions about behaviour” but “an acceptance that to be brought into and to remain in relationship with God is to recognise and to respond to whatever God requires, simply because it is what God requires.” or Because HE said so.